Saturday, April 18, 2009

You may get a kick out of this.

Recently Jimmy put up a post about Forrest Gump and mentioned how it was similar to the recent film Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and that they were both written by the same guy. Well I found a video on entitled The Curious Case of Forrest Gump, and it really is astounding. Check it out.

If that link doesn't work, you can also go to google video and type in The Curious Case of Forrest Gump.

Also, check out my list of favorite movie moustaches in my previous post. You may get a kick out of that too.


  1. I liked both of these movies, but still, that was pretty damn funny lol

  2. Hah, thats funny. And really true..

  3. Very funny Nick. So I guess I was right in some way. These two movies were even more similar than I thought, and that I remembered. I saw a few of these similarities but really the number is overwhelming. I guess Benjamin Button only deserves credit for visuals now, not story in the least.

  4. Who's to say just because they are similar they are bad?

  5. When did I say they were bad? I liked Forrest Gump and didn't even see Benjamin Button. I just put this up because Jimmy made mention of their similarities in his last post, and I found this relevant.
